Nothing could be more black and white than the election of 2016 – at the National, State or Local levels. There is no political issue greater than the human devastation and the murder of over 55 million children since Roe v. Wade. Hidden Choices is calling upon all leaders in the U.S. to take a Stand-4-Life this year. All races, all creeds, all lives matter. Mobilize, organize, and lead this movement to take that STAND for the aborted and those choosing life. Globally, who can even guess at the staggering numbers of missing citizens! In this abhorrent and corrupt election cycle, I am sickened as a leader in the Pro–life Movement by the glaring numbers and the twisted premeditated killings and dismemberment of the innocent voted into political platforms that give no protection nor dignity of the “civil rights to an unborn child.”
Politics SHOULD BE a moral stand for the common good of humankind, but abortion advocates have manipulated their disgusting philosophy of “women’s rights” to lull church leaders, laity, and the sleepy public into the heinous acceptance of “death by torture – abortion.” There are absolutely NO EXCUSES by voting for pro-abort politicians. Carl Anderson, a leader in the Knights of Columbus soberly reminds us, “We will never succeed in building a culture of life if we continue to vote for politicians who support a culture of death.” It does not matter how glamorous, historical or appealing a figure for political gain might nor might not be, no Catholic or Protestant Christian should vote pro-abortion. We need all hands on deck to change the direction of the abyss we are facing as America and beyond. This is the Last Stand for our Republic, as we know it. These babies and citizens need you!
Thank you for acting upon this! By Rivers Teske, Founder & President, Hidden Choices, Inc.