Over 10 million children are at risk or vulnerable today in America.
Hidden Choices is devoted to the welfare of the child. What does that really mean? The welfare. Not hand outs, but a helping hand to receive critical assistance and support most enjoy as the human family. We are the compass to lift up and care for those less fortunate and vulnerable. Our goal as a helping hand is to rebuild the foundation for viable and productive citizens for our future by yielding greater returns in safety and preventative programs. Reduction of teen pregnancy, mental health issues, broken homes, addictions, etc. We are betting on the Children who are confident in life achievement, who are discovering interests and developing talents yielding successful preventive The ripple effect of assistance and involvement.
We believe that every preborn child deserves the fundamental right of life, liberty and essential care afforded the global family.
- Valued for uniqueness to global family
- Supported in all aspects of health and social needs
- Given a voice
Discover interests and develop talents yielding a reduction in unplanned pregnancies teen pregnancy prevention programs.
The issues
- child abuse
- neglect
- abandonment
- foster care
- out –of-home care
- adoption
- school drop out
- een pregnancy
- young parenthood
- family preservation
- trafficked
The ripple effect
- brokenness
- homelessness
- fatherlessness
- addictions
- suicide
- mental health
- prison
Not a pretty picture of child advocacy.