Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy

The Problem: The future does not often hold great promise for a teenage mother and her child. Complex issues and problems are plaguing our communities: fatherlessness,  homelessness, abandonment, poverty, health issues, lack of education, job skills and health issues effect our teens in America – black and white.

  • Two out of three pregnant teenagers drop out of school.
  • With education cut short, the teenage mother lacks critical job skills.
  • The income of teen mothers is half that of those who first gave birth in their 20s and most all live below poverty levels.
  • The teenage mother may become financially dependent on her family or on welfare. Teenage marriages have a much greater chance of ending in divorce.


  • Babies born to young teen mothers have a higher risk of serious health problems.
  • Physical and mental birth defects affect many babies born to very young women. The high rate of teenagers having babies is a national health and social problem that demands attention.
  • 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year.  Almost 1/6 of all U.S. births are to teenage low income and impoverished women

Health Risks of Pregnancy to the Teenage Mother

The teenage mother has special problems, physically and emotionally.

  • The death rate from pregnancy complications is much higher among girls who give birth under age 15 than among older mothers.
  • The teenage mother is more likely to be undernourished and suffer premature or prolonged labor
  • During the first TRIMESTER of pregnancy; 7 out of 10 pregnant teenagers do not see a doctor or go to a clinic.
  •  Poor eating habits,  smoking,  alcohol & drugs increase the risk of having a baby with health problems.

Decision Time

Unplanned pregnancy does not mean making uninformed decisions.  Hidden Choices wants to help you understand some of your options!

Ask yourself the following questions first…

  • Am I ready to become a parent?
  • What if the father of my baby is not involved?
  • How much say or legal right does the birth father have?
  • Can I continue working toward my personal goals through pregnancy and after the baby is born?
  • Will having a baby change my life?
  • How will I finish school, or get a job or be with my friends?
  • Do I have enough money to pay for child care, diapers, clothes and other baby things? A crib and food for my child to flourish?
  • Where will I live?  How will I live?  Do I have enough money to live alone with my baby?  Can I afford a car, insurance and new tires?  What if my car breaks down? What if I have to take public transportation to child care and then a job?
  • What will my child think of me if I choose adoption?
  • Do I want my child to grow up with a life like mine at this age?