Hidden Choices

Hidden Choices, Inc. Statement – The Death of James Foley

The brutal and barbaric murder of James Foley this week has once again reminded the world of the extraordinary stakes in the ongoing struggle between the forces of human rights and democracy and those of barbarism, repression, and savage evil.  The Jihadists of ISIS and similar organizations waging “ holy wars” across the globe are truly enemies of all mankind. From their threatened genocide against the Yazidi community to the "convert or die” ultimatums against our ancient Christian communities in Syria and ... Read more

Single Parenting

www.insanityhouse.com Insanity House is raising the collective voice of the Single Parent community for social, economic, and political change. Single parent households represent more than one third of the family systems in this country, and are raising 20 million children. We are the largest and fastest growing family system in this country, yet we remain the most under-represented within social, economic, political, and legal systems. http://onetoughjob.org – Help, support and tips for single parents www.singleparents.about.com – Comprehensive website for single parents Read more

May is Teen Pregnancy Awareness Month. What can you do?

According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, nearly 3 in 10 girls will become pregnant before the age of 20. In 2012, 305,388 teens (ages 15-19) gave birth. Meanwhile, about 18% of women obtaining abortions are teenagers (i.e. about 200,000). Due to these high numbers, many people are rightly concerned about the need for education and resources for these young women. How do we prevent teen pregnancy from happening in the first place? How do we teach ... Read more

A Mother’s Day Beginning

According to History.com, celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” Once a major tradition in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, this celebration fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent and was originally seen as a time when the faithful would return to ... Read more

Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

  Well this has been the question of all time!  The brunt of many jokes.  Either one would suffice for whatever came first – but then, maybe it was NOAH that had the chickens who laid the first golden eggs.  Speaking of eggs, I had no idea they come in so many colors on organic farms and speaking of eggs -  its Springtime…thank goodness for that.  For those of us who live in the upper Eastern states or the Nordic lands we ... Read more

Life Changers: Single Mom Success Stories

BY KARA MORGAN  |   STARTUP CANADA WOMEN’S INITIATIVE MANAGER When we hear the term “single mom”, it often conjures up less than stellar stereotypes of young mothers who are a strain on social resources and financially dependent on our overburdened social systems. Very rarely are single moms ever depicted as successful, self-sufficient, productive, contributing members of society. However, there are many such moms who have defied these stereotypes and in many ways turned them upside down, achieving levels of success by ... Read more


Originally from India, Suma was in an arranged marriage and met her husband for the first time on their wedding day. Within three weeks of the marriage, she was being verbally and emotionally abused. Her husband told her she was ugly and should be grateful somebody married her. He had received a substantial dowry from her wealthy family to marry her. Suma was an educated woman who had been a history professor. She came to the U.S. on a fiancée visa ... Read more

Pandemic effects of education for girls.

Our work in supporting the global issues of children is essential because it will take all of us working with our unique capacities to solve the extremely difficult challenges ahead. Hidden Choices is dedicated to the empowerment of all children, boys and girls, through the challenges of supporting educational programs to impact change in a world marred by long standing discrimination. Experts from all sectors are weighing in on the long lasting impact upon nations. One of Nigeria’s leading economists and ... Read more

How We Help Community: Local. National, Global

Community Thoughts: Local, National Global Community Protects its citizens Provides quality services and education Empowers for success Team coaching:  exhorting and problem solving with policy makers and organizations at the local and national levels. Call To Action or the benchmark of success. We must look at age old problems in fresh proactive ways. Where change is not just talked about from a podium, but action is taken. Government CANNOT fix, but community of team CAN. Proactive alternatives to old problems and the old way of doing . For ... Read more

How We Help Children

Over 10 million children are at risk or vulnerable today in America. Hidden Choices is devoted to the welfare of the child. What does that really mean? The welfare. Not hand outs, but a helping hand to receive critical assistance and support most enjoy as the human family. We are the compass to lift up and care for those less fortunate and vulnerable. Our goal as a helping hand is to rebuild the foundation for viable and productive citizens for our future ... Read more
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